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Gary Foreman

Transformational Life Coach 

GOALS … why they are important!

Writer: Gary ForemanGary Foreman

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

Hello friends … 

We have been asked by parents, friends, and mentors early in life questions like; “What are your goals? What do you want to be when you grow up? Where do you see yourself in 5 years or 10 years?” These are all good questions. But they can also be quite daunting and many times the answers do not always come easily.  

Here is another way to look at this same scenario. This might be further motivation for beginning to set goals and can be any age or era.

1) Take a look around you right now. Do you LIKE what you see? Do you want to be where you are, in the middle of what you see? Do the current circumstances and people around you, reflect who you want to be in the next 6 months, one or two years? OR 

2) In one or two years, (or less) the people you are around now, the books you read now, the movies you see now, the classes you are taking, and the videos that educate you now, will be your mirror. Your destiny is beginning NOW. 

How does what you see now make you feel? It’s not that where we are or where we are headed is bad. That is a human mental image that is irrelevant. The point here is, we have choices, and those choices start NOW! All humans have a built-in nature for growth, expansion, and creativity. It’s always OK to be still and satisfied, but let’s face it, one day you might want to see another country. And that might mean trying their cuisine and YES, speaking their language! So, travel plans and learning a new language can start NOW. 

Let’s take a look at this model. 


Visions are a result of dreams and desires which arise from intuition, role models, skills or talents, curiosity, and much more. It is a sign of human expansion and growth I spoke of earlier. We sometimes ask ourselves “what if ________” in a creative way. 

Then WRITE as much as you can of what you can remember about those visions. Describe everything in as much detail as possible. Not all in one sitting or one day, unless it flows out quickly and effortlessly. Write what you can remember of the vision when it re-appears in your mind. The writing assists you in “seeing” what is on your mind in this dream or vision state. It turns the invisible into the visible. You begin to “see” your thoughts.

From there we can develop tasks or action steps to see that vision into the physical world.

More long-term goals may arise from these steps. Certainly, the order of tasks and goals can be interchanged. 

 From all of these above item, goals, tasks and vision, we eventually develop a PURPOSE for our life’s existence.

This purpose is something we would do everyday without question. The goals and tasks surrounding this purpose would be executed with extreme joy. We would be lost in time or time would stand still. We would do this “purpose” weather we are getting paid for it or not. Sometimes our purpose IS our business and we are so passionate about this business that it flourishes naturally. Sometimes we do something to sustain ourselves happily, and our purpose is something that we do joyfully on the other hours of the day. Either way, you’ll know what your purpose is, it feels great and you’ll do it for the rest of your life. You’ll wake up to it, become the expert at this “thing”, it will be your passion, and you’ll take the happiness for granted because it will always be there.


Why are goals important?

Goals and tasks keep us going on a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, and day-by-day basis. Planning these goals and tasks and sticking to our plan is a way to take a little control over these minutes, hours, and days and keep us from drifting around. Arnold Schwarzenegger said it best when he said; “if you don’t have goals, you’re just going to drift around, and you’re not going to be happy. You can have the best ship, or the best airplane, and the best pilot or captain. If you have no destination, you will just drift at sea or in the air.” Let’s get busy and THINK BIG DREAM BIGGER! BTW, I heard Arnold say that as well! 



Gary Foreman


Life Coach


(972) 639-7292

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Gary Foreman

Life Coach

Gary Foreman


Life Coach

(972) 639-7292

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